Scores - 117812 votes
Movie Info - When a man claiming to be Fester, the missing brother of Gomez Addams, arrives at the Addams' home, the family is trilled. However, Morticia begins to suspect the man is a fraud, since he cannot recall details of Fester's life. With the help of lawyer, Tully Alford, Fester manages to get the Addams clan evicted from their home. Gomez realizes the two men are conspiring to swindle the Addams fortune and that he must challenge Fester
Country - USA
Directed by - Barry Sonnenfeld
Charles Addams, Larry Wilson
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”nice knife can I play autopsy with it?”. The Addams family foundation. Why does John Astin look like Inspector Closeau in this. The addams family model. The addams family 2 on demand. The addams family (2019 cast. I like how the patch on the sleeve of his scout uniform is turn arund to say 999 instead of 666. This movie makes me feel like 2019 was a mistake. The Addams family tree. 8:53 – 9:06. Underrated gag, in my opinion! 😂. The addams family piano. Say whatever you want, Morticia and Gomez are the sweetest couple ever.
All languages available. How you going to upload the addams family and NOT include the theme song. The addams family theme song lyrics. This looks like it should have gone straight to Nickelodeon. The addams family free 2019. Yeah this looks like another dumb cash grab. Couldn't even get the dark aesthetic did make me want to watch the 90's movies though. Why does some of the normal people in this look scarier than the Addams family. The addams family chanson. The addams family srt. I love how the show makes it out how horrible being around the Addams is, but honestly I'd be happy to be their guest.
The addams family 2 showtimes.
I loved the song and the adams. Morticia was so pretty.
The Addams family services.
Morticia: youre always so grumpy before youre morning coffee (Dumps morning coffee into toilet) Flushes morning coffee into toilet.
The addams family genre.
The addams family 1991.
The addams family butler.
The addams family movies.
The addams family kindergarten song.
The Addams Family may be weird and spooky to some people, but they're really funny and likeable to everyone. ;D.
3:09 lol who even is he?xD. The addams family movie. Theyre creepy and theyre kookie, mysterious and spooky. Theyre all together ookie THE KARDASHIAN FAMILY. The addams family values. The addams family 2019 izle. Mother knows best-Gothel Morticia: Oh isnt that nice. The addams family values netflix. The addams family show. The addams family reunion. The addams family cartoon. The addams family tv show. The addams family parker.
The addams family 3d trailer. Kenwood cr-st100s. I mean if they learned about the french revolution im sure they learned about other stuff too and probably stuff the school wouldn't teach them. The addams family 2019 film. The addams family 2021. Morticia queen of the Goths, I feel the loathing for that P.U.P.P.Y. I clicked on this expecting: “ Tim Burtons. Adams family “. The addams family 1991 mp3. The addams family musical. The addams family thanksgiving. He is skilled in mines.
It would be nice if they have more dark stories:D. I love this show but I get a little depressed by the fact that I'll never get to marry Morticia. Do not be alarmed. We are only little children. Look, I can guarantee that the ending of this movie will involve everyone in the neighborhood learning to accept the addams family and will probably deliver some kind of message saying Its ok to be different and Express yourself Which I have no problem with because it is ok to be different and it is important for our children to know that they can be themselves to. The problem I do have however is that we've seen this plot done over and over and over again, especially in modern animation. Why is this necessary when countless of other animated films have executed this exact plot before? If we live in a world that is supposedly widely accepting of everyone, then why do we need this constant reinforcement of it's ok to be different? Instead why not use this movie to deliver a different sort of message, one that's equally just as important for our children to learn instead of recycling the same plots? I expect everyone's awnser to be Its an animated kids movie therefore it cannot deliver any sort of message that has any importance or weight to it right? Well, one thing for sure is that, yeah, it is a movie intended for a young audience. But people forget that its movies like these that help shape our children in the first place. I mean, just look at Mr. Rodgers, that show was undeniable proof that kids can handle mature subjects and its important that we share these sorts of things with them. Honestly when you look at it this way, it just seems like modern animated movies are kind of just insulting your kids intelligents. Kids movies shouldn't just be entertainment that your kids can shut their minds of to, it should make them think and ask questions instead of mindlessly re-enforcing something that they should already know, that it's ok to be themselves.
The addams family tv series 1964.
In the first five minutes I can already tell you what's wrong: 1. Terrible direction 2. Over-the-top camera work 3. Bad acting 4. Bad writing 5. Horrendous effects 6. Tim Curry having bottom-billing as Gomez 7. An overall simplistic portrayal of what the Addams Family actually is 8. Why is Lurch playing a violin? Where did his Krupnik go.
The catapult reminds me of Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.
The addams family 線上看.
The addams family stream.
The addams family cousin.
This wonderful adaptation of the comic strip takes us out of the venue of camp and into that of darkly clever wit which soars above the TV series! This wonderful attempt takes us out of the venue of camp and into that of startlingly clever wit. Excellent job, Sonnenfeld!
Raul Julia is the personification Gomez Addams. I'm writing this after his death, and unfortunately, for me, there will never BE another Gomez Addams. Julia contributed a lust for life, a dark and twisted animalistic (and, indeed, cultured Barbaristic) sexuality, and the Gothic overtones attempted in the comic strip, but which were miserably overlooked in the awful campy TV series. He was brilliant as Gomez, and in my opinion, when he died, so did the franchise. (Though Jimmy Smits would make a passable Gomez, now that he's older and more mature.)
Also, Anjelica Huston is the perfect Morticia. Actually, this whole cast is about the most perfectly chosen cast for any movie franchise I've ever seen. Christina Ricci perfectly personifies Wednesday Addams, Christopher Lloyd is the absolute epitome of Fester, Jimmy Workman was the perfect shadow of Pugsley, and so on.
The direction was dark and Gothic, just as it should be. The sets and designs were breathtakingly stark, wonderfully Gothic, and beautifully designed. The wardrobe of each character was lovingly created with a great care devoted to each piece, and the story was beautifully written; crafted with a real pride in the work.
The end result is far greater than the sum of its wonderful parts.
This movie is sheer perfection. There is not a moment of wasted film, not one performance which was out of step, not one scene which should have been deleted.
It rates a 9.4/10 from. br>
the Fiend.
The addams family intro. The addams family car. The Addams family.